The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services

Risk Factors of Suicide
There are several things that can put a person at risk of thinking about, planning, and/or attempting suicide. Risk factors may include:
- Family History of suicide
- History of suicide attempts
- History of Abuse
- Mental health problem that is untreated
- Access to firearms or other lethal methods
- Isolation from family members and/or spiritual community
- Recent loss (e.g. death or break-up)
- Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
- Feelings of loneliness
- Feelings of guilt, shame, inadequacy
- Conflict with others or feeling misunderstood
- Behavior that is impulsive or aggressive
- Homesick and culture shock
- Academic problems (failing courses or missing classes)
- Absence of interpersonal attachment
The Latasha Norman Center for Counseling Services